What is WARC

 Western Applied Research Corporation (WARC) is a non-profit organization that is governed by a Board of Directors consisting of northwest Saskatchewan producers. We are a part of the Saskatchewan Agri-ARM network and work in partnership with Agriculture and AgriFood Canada (AAFC) at the Scott Research Farm.


WARC's Mandate:

  • Transfer technology from research to Saskatchewan producers
  • Evaluate the economic implications of technology for Saskatchewan producers

 WARC has 5 permanent employees. Along with our full time employees we have several seasonal and part-time employees and hire 4 summer students.

Our Team

Stacy Hawkins

Business Operations Manager

Office:  (306) 247-2001

Cell:  (306) 843-7400

Email:  stacy.hawkins@warc.ca

Stacy lives east of Wilkie on their family grain farm.  She has recently retired from a 32 year career in Municipal Government and has an extensive background in governance, administration and accounting.

Jessica Enns (Weber)

Research Manager 

Office: (306) 247-2001

Cell: (306) 361-8703

Email: jessica.enns@warc.ca 

 Jessica grew up on a mixed grain and livestock farm outside Landis Sk. She completed her B.Sc. in Plant Science with a major in Agronomy and a minor in Agribusiness. She completed her M.Sc. in Plant Science, with a focus on weed-crop competition and weed control in Western Canada, at the University of Saskatchewan.

Kayla Slind 

Lead Research Associate

 Office: (306)247-2001

Cell: (306) 843-7984

Email: kayla.slind@warc.ca

 Kayla has been with WARC for 7 years. She lives on a grain farm east of Wilkie, SK where she farms with her husband and family. Kayla holds a B.Sc. in Agronomy from the U of S and has her P.Ag with SIA.  

Alex Waldner

Research Associate

Office: (306) 247-2001

Cell: (306) 438-7525

Email: alex.waldner@warc.ca

 Alex grew up on a mixed farm near Swift Current, SK. She obtained her B.Sc. in Agriculture from the University of Saskatchewan in 2018. She is currently in the process of completing her M.Sc. in Plant Science from the University of Saskatchewan, focusing her research on establishing perennial forages in saline soils.

Koralie Mack (Huber)

Research Agronomist

Office:  (306) 247-2001

Cell:  (306) 951-8888

Email:  koralie.mack@warc.ca

Koralie grew up on a mixed grain and cattle farm south of Landis, SK. She obtained her B.Sc. in 2022 from the University of Saskatchewan, College of Agriculture, with a Major in Agronomy and a Minor in Agribusiness Entrepreneurship. With some Ag-Retail experience backing her, she is now excited to start her career at WARC as a Research Agronomist. 

Herb Schell

Seasonal Technician 

 Herb grew up in Scott, SK and has been WARC's seasonal technician for 10 years. He has previous experience with AAFC in Scott as a Weed Technician for 38 years. 

Research from our farm to yours

Summer, 2024

Board Members

Michael Palmier (Chair)

Plenty, SK

(306) 932-7733


Eric Charabin (Vice Chair)

North Battleford, SK

(306) 480-7974


Andrew Herle

Wilkie, SK

(306) 843-7696


Michael Hicks

Glaslyn, SK

(306) 342-7732


Jayden Nachtegaele

North Battleford, SK

(306) 441-3713


Andria Roelens

Battleford, SK

(306) 843-8027

Mike Bender

Warman, SK

(639) 318-1679


Jason Veikle

Cut Knife, SK

(306) 398-7688


Jennifer Mundt

Biggar, SK

(306) 948-4622


Katie Donahue

Biggar, SK

(306) 948-4029


Erin Campbell

Lloydminster, AB

(780) 318-1385